Fuelling the Future: Unleashing Biogas Power Today!
In a time when environmental concerns are becoming more widespread, a range of serious problems are emerging, including global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions, unchecked deforestation, the alarming destruction of the ozone layer, and numerous other problems that humans have caused.
A renewed and increased dedication to the search for sustainable energy solutions has emerged in response to these serious issues. One technology has emerged among this diverse range of possibilities as being both well-established and incredibly successful: the use of biodegradable waste for the production of Biogas.This ground-breaking method not only reduces the negative effects of disposing of organic waste, but also makes a substantial contribution to the global shift to more sustainable and clean energy sources. The use of biodegradable waste for biogas stands as a beacon of hope as we negotiate the difficult terrain of environmental preservation, providing a useful and environmentally sound way to address some of our most pressing challenges.
Now it is necessary to adopt such established technology to step ahead towards independence in energy requirements.

Koshish is a leading provider of Sustainable Renewable Energy Solutions, specializing in Biogas Plants & Bio-CNG Projects. We've successfully installed over 50 biogas plants across 10 Indian states, handling various organic waste types like Cow Dung, Poultry Litter, Piggery Waste, Food Waste, paper pulp, and agriculture waste. All our biogas plants are operating at optimal capacity and have secured subsidies from MNRE, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability.
Additionally, we've partnered with government organizations in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Jharkhand under the Gobardhan Scheme. Our collaboration with IIT Delhi and global institutes enhances our technical expertise and project productivity.

Exploring KOSHISH's Biogas Plant: Highlighting Key Features
1. Co-Digestion in Advance Digester:
Koshish has developed a biodigester that can digest various types of biodegradable waste, the digester can be fed with multiple organic waste at the same time.
2. Scum Buster Agitation System:
Koshish has introduced an agitator technology in the digester, which helps in avoiding scum formation, which may lead to creating dead zones, thus releasing the trapped gas in the anaerobic digester. Hence increases biogas production.
3. FRP Coating on Gas Holder:
In most of the conventional plants, the gasholder is generally made of MS material, and MS has the property of corrosion which deteriorates in the long run; Koshish has developed an FRP gasholder with an MS skeleton structure. Thus, the longevity of the gasholder is increased.
4. Biogas Filtration Unit:
Koshish has also developed its own biogas filtering (Moisture and H2S) unit to remove the impurities present in raw biogas. Thus, the calorific value of the biogas is increased and when used in the genset the wear and tear losses are reduced.
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Our Model
The model stands for Biogas Assisted rural Development, Land & Agriculture reform by Organic farming.
This project can cater to the need of dairy farmers, poultry farmers, gaushalas, educational institutions, religious institutions, industries, etc.
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The Versatile Yet Advanced Profit, Avail & Revenue (VYAPAR) generating model provides commercially viable BioCBG
VYAPAR Model is a commercial model with a payback of 4-5 years and an ROI of up to 16%.
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Support And Maintenance Activity Related To Handholding And Novel (SAMARTHAN) treatment of existing plants provides operation and maintenance support to existing Bio-CBG/ Biogas Power/ Biogas Thermal plants which are not running efficiently and bearing commercial losses.
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